Friday, May 22, 2020

Nervous System Response to Google's "Loretta" Commercial



The “Loretta” Google commercial that was shown during the Super Bowl this year has stuck with me since I first saw it. No matter how many times I watch it, I always end up with a huge emotional response. Google did a great job creating an advertisement that integrated several parts of the viewers’ human nervous system to invoke a response. For my family, this commercial reminded us of my Papaw. Papaw had dementia and was given an Alexa device to help him navigate his reality. He frequently asked Alexa what day it was, what time it was, and even scores for certain sporting teams that he loved; this device also allowed him to call family members when he could no longer operate his cell phone. This device was even more utilized after my “Mia”, his wife, passed away a few weeks before he did. So, this commercial really impacts my nervous system by reminding me of the final weeks that he was with us. The amygdala is a structure in the brain that processes emotions and connects them with memories. As I watched this advertisement, I was processing an emotional exchange between the user of the device and what the device was showing him. The amygdala also allowed me to feel empathetic towards the man that was missing his wife. The hippocampus was also utilized while watching this commercial because it reminded me of my grandfather’s situation a little over a year ago and also brings up memories of my grandparents in general. The memories of my grandfather using his Alexa are tied heavily to emotions as it was hard to watch him grieve Mia while struggling with dementia. The thalamus also plays a role in processing the sensory aspects of viewing the advertisement. The sounds and sights of the commercial are processed by the thalamus and then sent to other parts of the brain for processing. Finally, the mirror neurons in my brain fired during this commercial as the pictures and memories of the couple are shown. Some of his memories make you chuckle and others make you cry. I have a huge emotional response each time I view this commercial due to its affect on my nervous system.  

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