Thursday, July 22, 2021

Locus of Control

     As a future practitioner, it is important to understand the role that one's locus of control plays on their performance. Individuals that place a heavy importance on their internal locus of control may have personalities that are harder on themselves, and those that view circumstances with an external locus of control may blame the world for their struggles. In the future, it is important for me to evaluate my personal views on locus of control to understand my thinking patterns. After taking the quiz, I found that I am right in between internal and external loci of control. This means that I believe there is a balance between internal and external circumstances affecting my life. This can help me understand how I view my control in all situations. 

    When working with clients in the future, I need to understand their viewpoints on this topic. Some clients will believe that they have full control over their recovery, and other clients may believe that they have absolutely no control over the recovery or their diagnosis. Understanding how each client views their locus of control will help me gear my strategies and interventions to fit their views. This will allow me to adapt to each client and find the best ways to motivate them to achieve their highest potential. Understanding how a client views their control over their circumstances will provide the best outcomes to treatment. 

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